Praise God for Jesus. If you serve God you must be SOLD OUT, do you hear, SOLD OUT for Jesus. God is good and he is looking for followers to serve in Spirit and in Truth. Be RADICAL for Jesus. If in the world we would do anything why not do… the same for God??? We have had a blessed JOURNEY at New Dimention of Faith Ministries, 9 years of struggling and satan having strong holds on us but the SEASON has come for New Dimention to MOVE up and, not take back, but TAKE POSSESSION OF WHAT GOD HAS ALREADY GIVEN TO US. Be blessed people of God and let us take our Position in this world. Let us take the World and truly POSSESS THIS land which is rightfully OURS.
     Many blessings to us all from Minister Robles.

WWJD: ask your self ?? WWJD

Image      We always wonder what to do in situations that sometimes we face and we always seek advice as to how to do it or resolve the situation. We take matters into our own hands and a lot of times we make it worse than what it already is. What have we been told from the very beginning?? “Trust in me”  saith the Lord. Over and over we are told that if we wait on Him everything will be alright. The one problem we have is WAITING. There is no time for waiting. Our life is in such a hurry that we do not make time to wait or hear the VOICE of God speaking to us. A lot of times we must STOP, LOOK, and LISTEN. To what, you might be asking, to God, because He speaks to us in the midst of our situations and he gives us  directions so that we can come out VICTORIOUS in anything that we do. So next time you get your self in a situation don’t ask nobody for there opinion, just ask your self: W (what) W (would) J (Jesus) D (do) ????????????? We must think like Him, act like Him, talk like Him, walk like Him. Therefore don’t be influenced by this world or your surroundings. God is always there at your side whether you believe it or not, for in His scriptures He says,”I will never forsake you or abandon you”. A promise in His word for you and I. He is not man to lie or son of man to repent, what He says in His word He will do. WWJD is what we must ask our self in any situation. I love you and I want nothing but the best for all my brothers and sisters in Christ. For you friends who have not yet accepted Jesus as your personal Savior I want to present Him to you. He is the ONLY GOD who never forsakes you, and He feels your PAIN, He knows what you go thru because He saw His ONLY son go thru it for you and me, so when I say He feels your PAIN you better believe it. He is a PERSONAL God, He cares for you and watches out for you even though you do things and go places where you should not be He still has watched over you for years in your life. For you so called CHRISTIANS, I have something to tell you all. God SEES all, HEARS all, and SMELLS all. He knows who is real and who is not. To be a Christian is to be CHRIST LIKE. We must represent at all times, did you get that, at ALL times. Don’t play no more with God because the day will come where He will tell you: ” Depart from Me I do not know you.” I guarantee you, that will be one SAD day for you in HELL. Please CHANGE your walk with God so that He can WELCOME you into His KINGDOM and THERE, we will be with HIM for an eternity. God bless you in a special way. If you want a prayer request just send me a message and I will pray for you and we will even pray for you on our radio program. Radio House of Refuge. Look for us on:  : House of Refuge or Casa de Refugio. We have english and spanish programs. God bless you and keep you for His glory. This is Minister Aaron Robles pleeding with you and talking straight from the HEART. God just put this in my heart and I wanted to share it with all of you. I love you all. Aaron Robles.                                                              REMEMBER. WWJD

Without LOVE it’s impossible

     You must have LOVE in this world for everyone who surrounds you. Love is the ONE thing that we can’t be without. We never know when it will be our turn in this world for a hardship, a sickness, a unexpected tragedy, and we would want to receive LOVE and UNDERSTANDING in situations like these. They say that you SOW what you REAP and we want to make sure we always do our best. Remember we are children of GOD and as such we must carry with this quality inside us to be able to be there for our fellowman. LOVE one another just like if it was yourself. God bless you and keep you at all times .                                                                                                               

 Sincerely yours,

Minister Aaron